Packaging Design

TIV Branding: branding, packaging, and traditional marketing tactics that complement Zenergy Works’s digital marketing seamlessly.

Meet TIV Branding: Our Sister Company

That’s where our sister company TIV Branding steps in. TIV provides branding, packaging, and traditional marketing tactics that complement Zenergy Works’s digital marketing seamlessly. TIV Branding is the salt to our pepper. The peanut butter to our jelly. The branding to our digital.

We could tell you all about how TIV Branding’s skills enhance our digital marketing clients, or we could tell you about how the digital approach from Zenergy Works helps enhance TIV’s packaging and branding projects, but we’d rather show you.

Sonoma Vinegar: The perfect blend of branding, packaging, traditional, and digital marketing.

Sonoma Vinegar Packaging Design

Sonoma Vinegar originally came to Zenergy Works looking for one specific service but after several discussions with their team, it was clear that this project’s scope had grown well beyond digital marketing. When our branding team came into the project we found Sonoma Vinegar needed fresh packaging and a new brand to reinforce the digital marketing we planned to execute. A good chunk of our research was looking at comparable food brands and going on a ride-along with their sales team. This gave us a much deeper understanding of what we were looking to accomplish – a craft vinegar brand that stood above the fold.

We go through our four-step process with every client: DISCOVER DESIGN DEVELOP DRIVE. After a solid DISCOVER phase our designers understood the approach they needed to take with Sonoma Vinegar – a quality product, but a relaxed brand.

Once the beautiful design work was complete, we could then extend the design to each channel we thought was appropriate for Sonoma Vinegar. This is where the full force of Zenergy Works and TIV Branding was displayed. We extended the design to a new beautiful e-commerce website that was also SEO friendly, which is no small feat. The website was reinforced with strong branding that extended to traditional marketing channels and sales materials for their team. Then we dove into additional digital research to reach all of Sonoma Vinegar’s customers. Display campaigns, marketing automation, drip email campaigns, and social media content were all developed to reach our online audience, all while staying true to the unique Sonoma Vinegar voice and brand.

We were now ready to drive the brand we built with traditional and digital strategies. The launch of the new packaging built Sonoma Vinegar’s brand at every touch point. The beautiful website was supported by organic traffic and SEO was supported by paid marketing. The paid marketing was supported by social media and email automation, social and email were supported by marketing materials, and the marketing materials were supported by the packaging. All these channels worked in conjunction to build a cohesive brand created by TIV Branding & Zenergy Works.

If you’re looking to elevate your packaging and support your brand with digital marketing, drop us a line. We’d love to chat.

At Zenergy Works we deliver the search engine marketing you deserve.

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